Website Design

With more and more people accessing the World Wide Web everyday instead of the yellow pages, the small business cannot afford to ignore this important, growing market.

Many web designers charge premium prices for creating web pages thereby limiting many small businesses from maintaining a presence on the Internet. Bahl Consultancy Services caters to small businesses, large organizations, and individuals. We specialize in straightforward, reliable web page creation at affordable prices – whether you are an individual, business, or organization, we can help create and customize a website to your needs. Let us create a web site that will promote your business or your personal homepage in a professional and creative way.

Since your business is unique from your competitors’ business, why not have a web site that is unique from your competitors’ web site? Bahl Consultancy Services Inc does not use ‘templates’ and ‘fill-in-the-blank’ programs to design web sites; we start each one from scratch.

Four key questions need to be answered before any designing can begin.

1. Who is your target audience?

2. Why is your web site needed?

3. What will you be placing on your site?

4. Where will the pieces of information be placed?


Our team of UI/UX Designers is extremely motivated, passionate, and creative. Every designer is hand-picked after successful completion of series of scrutinizing evaluations and on possessing the required skill set entirely. Our web designer is a well – trained resource who can undoubtedly deliver unique and extraordinary products.

In today’s world where the internet user community is switching from Desktop and Laptops to Cell Phones and Tabs, we ensure that our websites are accessible on all devices. Our websites are designed to be truly responsive and retina ready.

Bahl Consultancy Services Inc provides you an attractive, easily navigational, and professional looking customized web site to enhance your marketing goals.

Learn more about how our Website Design team can help you.